When buying a firearm for personal defense you must do your homework prior to going shopping. Unfortunately there many firearm salespeople that are only interested in selling a gun. Not in helping you select the gun that is right for you.
There are some simple tips that can help you find the right gun that serve you for many years to come. First you should start researching different guns that you may be interested in. There are many to choose from. Try to obtain as much information about the guns you are interested in before going to the gun store.
Here are few additional tips to consider.
COST: It is a good idea to determine just how much money you wish to spend on a gun. There are many different brands out there and they have a wide price range. Remember you are investing in a tool that you expect to use in protecting yourself and your family. So buy quality.
CONCEALABLE: The ability to conceal your weapon is of upmost importance. With this in mind you want to choose a gun that is easy to keep hidden until it is needed. When I purchased my first handgun, I made several mistakes. The main mistake was the size of the gun was too large to easily conceal it. With that in mind I traded it in on a smaller model. Be careful. I suggest that you do not purchase a gun with a barrel length shorter than 3 inches because your accuracy will decrease.
CALIBER: The FBI studies ballistics and are probably the experts when it come to ammunition. One study they did compared several different caliber bullets. There specs indicate a bullet should have a minimum of twelve inches of penetration when shot into ballistic gel. There agent were carrying 40 caliber weapons when the study was done. 40 caliber, 45 caliber and 9mm all had nearly the same penetration.
As a result of this study agents now carry 9mm weapons. After a lengthy analysis they found agents could get back on target quicker due to less recoil compared to the 40 caliber weapons. The guns and ammo are less expensive and they can carry more rounds in the magazine.
I am in no way suggesting everyone should carry a 9 mm, but I do think it is important to determine what caliber gun is right for you.
COMFORT: Comfort refers to how the gun will fit your hand. Is it too large or too small. Will the gun cause me to have too much finger on the trigger or too little. Either will cause you to be off target. Make sure you buy a gun that fits your hand properly.
CLEANABLE: Before you purchase a handgun break the gun down while with the salesperson. If this requires special tools or is a long process you may want to rethink your purchase. There are many guns out there that break down easily. This will assure that cleaning will be easy. Easy means you will clean it after each time you go to the range.
Teach me good discernment and knowledge, For I believe in Your commandments. Psalm 119:66