With Spring approaching the threat of tornadoes increases. Tornados kill about 60 people per year and cause billions of dollars in property damage. Although tornado season is usually considered March through June they have occurred during every month of the year.
Tornadoes come in many different shapes and sizes. Most often they appear as funneled shape and can produce winds from 65 to 85 mph in an EF-0 tornado which is considered weak. An EF-5 tornado can produce devastating winds well over 200 mph. https://www.redcross.org/
Since tornadoes can pop up during any month it is important for you to have a plan for your family. Here are a few tips to consider.
Have a plan for where you will go in the event of a tornado. There should be a plan for home, work and school. Monitor changing weather conditions at all times.
Select a safe place in your home where you can go during a tornado. A basement, storm cellar or interior room on the lowest floor without windows are the safest options.
Buy a NOAA weather radio that is battery operated. This allows you to keep up to date on the latest weather advisories. Watch the sky for threatening weather.
Have a first aid kit and fire extinguisher located where it is easy to obtain. Create a GO bag with essentials. ( A previous blog has all the info you need to create a bag.)
Know how and where to shut off gas, water and electric in case your house is damaged.
Prepare a bag with food and for at least three days. Tuna, crackers and protein bars are good for this purpose. You may be on your own for several days before help can arrive.
Your GO bag will have other essentials in it that will help in a time of need.
Purchase a safe that is fire proof and water proof to keep your important documents in.
Take an inventory of items in your house. Also take photos of everything in each room of your home. This will help insurance adjusters make sure your claim is accurate.
If a tornado strikes stay clear of any downed power lines. Consider all lines live until proven otherwise.
Do not enter damaged structures until cleared by authorities.
Keep your car fuel tank above a half full at all time. Fuel may be hard to come by.
The wind blows to the south and goes around to the north; around and around goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns.
Ecclesiastes 1:6