What ever happened to respecting the police officers? The very people who put on the uniform to protect us. How did we digress to the point we are today?
Maybe we should look at what it takes to be a law enforcement officer. First they must have minimum of a high school education. Some departments, as well as federal positions require a bachelors degree. In addition they most enter the Police Academy. This training can vary from 14 weeks to six months and even more in some cases.
In the academy they study such things as professionalism, ethics, report writing, criminal law and traffic law, report writing, investigations, searches, traffic stops, emergency driving, weapons management, just to mention a few.
The physical training is quite rigorous and demanding. During the academy they must complete a daily work out routine to prepare them for the job ahead. This includes timed runs, push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises.
It’s also important to understand police recruits must go through extensive psychological testing, background checks that may go back as far as grade school. Then there is the lie detector exam. And a financial background check. Most departments also require a physical exam which may include physical fitness evaluation or stress test.
These are special people who dedicate their lives to protect our homeland. Everyday they leave their homes and their families not knowing if they will return. It is a calling. It’s not for the great pay. Many officers are paid very little but they still pin on the badge and do what they have sworn to do.
Like any career there are those undesirables who have a bad attitude and don’t represent their department in the proper way. But these people are few compared to the good cops wanting to protect their communities.
Understand that they see bowels of our society. They are expected to make split second decisions and when it is wrong, the public stands ready to crucify them. They are spit on, cussed at and ridiculed. They are ambushed for no reason, but are demanded to show respect for the very individuals who mock them and would kill them if they had the chance.
So the next time you see a law enforcement officer tell him or her how much you appreciate the work they do. They deserve our respect.
Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall by called the children of God.
-Matthew 5:9