Securing our borders. Seems logical to me. Especially since many terror groups want to kill as many Americans as possible. Then there is MS13. Most of their members are from Central America, primarily El Salvador. It is well known that they come into the U.S. illegally through our porous borders. MS13 doesn’t just murder people, they slaughter them. But the left thinks we should open up our country like a fast food drive thru.
Several left wing politicians recently said that we treat these people like criminals. Maybe that’s because they are. They are here illegally. They have not gone through the legal process to become a citizen. Why is it that a woman from Romania goes through the legal process for seven years to become a legal citizen? Yet the left thinks anyone who wants to cross our southern borders should be welcomed with open arms. Plus they want to give them healthcare, money and housing for free. Costing tax payers billions annually. Some sources estimate the figure as high as $300 billion a year.
Why do we cherry pick the laws that we enforce? We arrest people for breaking many laws. But, if you enter the country illegally you deserve special treatment. Why is one law enforced but another is not?
Oh and separating children from their parents. The outrage was unbelievable. How sad. How cruel. Well guess what? If you are a citizen of the United States and arrested for a crime, placed in jail, you will be separated from your children. Come across our border illegally and you can expect special treatment because that’s what you will receive. Why are we outraged with the government for separating the children? Shouldn’t we be more outraged at the parents who broke the law entering the U.S.?
I don’t know but it seems we live in an upside down world. What used to be right is now wrong. What was once wrong is now right. Over time we listen to the people who yell the loudest. Slowly we start changing our country. Just because a person yells the loudest doesn’t doesn’t make them right.
You turn things around! Shall the potter be considered as equal with the clay, That what is made would say to its maker, “He did not make me”; Or what is formed say to him who formed it, “He has no understanding”?
Isaiah 29:16