Minutes after the Texas school shooting fake Facebook posts started to emerge and CNN reported that this was the 22nd school shooting in 2018. This number erroneously includes gang violence incidents and a B.B. hitting a school bus.
The anti gun people love to distort the truth and preach the same sermon over and over. They want background checks. Guess what, we already have them. And background checks are not going to stop people from acquiring guns illegally, as it appears the Texas shooter did. Background checks are not going to eliminate the mentally disturbed or evil person from obtaining a gun.
The constant outcry is we need stricter gun laws. We now have over 20,000 state, local and federal gun laws on the books. Not one of these laws would stop a mass shooting. Why? Because people who want to kill don’t consider the law. They want high body counts and will do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal. Schools are no gun zones but that hasn’t stopped the shootings.
Let’s band assault rifles. Assault rifles have been used in very few school shootings. Such is the case in Texas. A shot gun and a 38 caliber revolver were used. Since he was 17 years old, both were illegal for him to have. According to research by James Alan Fox, a Northeastern University professor, who studies mass murder, only 24 percent of the mass shootings dating back to 1982 involved assault rifles.
Mass shootings of any kind are not acceptable. Innocent lives taken by an evil person is horrific. The question is does the anti gun community use these horrible incidents to push their agenda? It appears this is true. They talk more about the gun that was used than the victims. They portray themselves as concerned for the loss of innocent lives. If that is true, where is their outrage for the over 2500 babies that are aborted each day.
I pray for for the victims and their families. And I will continue to fight to retain our God given right to protect myself, my family and my community. A small group of people took prayer out of schools. No way will we allow a small group to destroy our constitution.
Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive against them.
Proverbs 28:4
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