When I was in high school I had a great government teacher. The country was heavily involved in the unpopular Vietnam War. Riots were a common occurrence around the United States. Radical groups such as the Students For A Democratic Society and the Black Panthers were very out spoken and used every means possible to push their agenda.
My high school government teacher was one of a kind. He taught us to look at both sides of a situation and how we should evaluate it. He asked the school administrators if he could bring in representatives of the Black Panthers and the SDS. He wanted his students to hear the agenda of these groups. He wanted his students to see what their values were and how they viewed our country. Unfortunately the administrators would not allow it.
That teacher made a profound prediction back in 1970. He said, “The members and followers of these radical groups will someday be the editors of large newspapers, tv news bureaus, college professors, CEO’s of large corporations and politicians. They will have the power and the means to push there agendas in an attempt to change our nation.”
There is little doubt that my government teacher’s prediction is unfolding before our very eyes. Many college professors now teach those issues that coincides with their personal beliefs instead of curriculum. And these same professors have little or no patience for the conservative students.
The media no longer report the news. Instead they provide their opinions in an attempt to slant news to support their beliefs and agendas. Far left politicians no longer listen to the people they serve. They feel they know what is best for the people. In many cases this means a bigger government that will provide more free programs and more restrictions.
We are at a critical time in our society. A time that, may in fact, define our country’s future. The left continues to disregard court justice by prosecuting the accused in the media instead of the courtroom. If they don’t get their way they will riot and or disrupt society with their temper tantrums.
We must stand up for our nations values. The very values this country was founded on. We must stand up for the constitution and justice as defined by the courts and the constitution. This is a great country and we must not allow the extremist to destroy what so many people died to protect. Some believe a revolution is at hand. Do we allow it to continue or do we stand up and say no. What are you going to do?
Furthermore, you shall select out of all the people able men who fear God, men of truth, those who hate dishonest gain; and you shall place these over them as leaders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens.
Exodus 18:21
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