The journey of life is tough. It can sap the strength from even the strongest of men and women. Life takes many unexpected turns. Some are good and some are bad. Each day life presents itself with new tragedies in our society. A six year old boy shot and killed by his father. A police officer serving his community has his life cut short by an evil gun man. A firefighter at a scene of an accident is struck and killed by passing car. A 30 year old woman diagnosed with cancer that had spread throughout her body. The list can go on and on.
The journey is tough. It seems there are many angry people in our society just waiting for the opportunity to curse someone out, argue or fight. In addition we are creating a generation that no longer need to communicate face to face. It can all be done over social media. Therefore hurtful things can be said without facing the individual.
The journey is tough and it’s easy to lose hope and when hope is lost people fail to thrive. I have found there is only one place I can find hope. The Bible. It is the true word of God. The Bible remains at the top of the list for best selling books.
The Bible is God’s word for us to follow. It is the compass for our life journey. The Bible points us true north. True north is a personal relationship with God. God is our only hope in our journey through life.
In my blogs I have provided information on self defense, emergency care, disaster preparedness and weapons for protection. All of these topics are useful information but are small in comparison to the life changing word of God.
Society encourages us to seek pleasure in our life. TV commercials tell us we deserve to be happy. Use this credit card. Invest in this stock. Money will make us happy. Well I know several people who have a great deal of money and they appear miserable in their life. The search for happiness continues to be elusive to those searching in the wrong places.
True happiness comes from a personal relationship with God. Now I’m not saying that once you have this relationship it will be a smooth journey with no obstacles or pain. But in this relationship God is always there to pick you up when you fall down. Even in the hardest times God is there to comfort and to love you. You begin to trust and to rely on God in all aspects of your life. The journey is rough but God is their to help and guide you.
I was once asked if I could describe the Bible in one word. The word I chose was “Love”. This is a love that is hard to understand. God’s love for us is far reaching. God has true abounding love for us and He wants a personal relationship with us.
I could go on and on but I hope I have wet your appetite to search the Bible for truth. The Bible is an intriguing book that was inspired by God and will give you many answers for your journey. My challenge for you is only to try to read a chapter a day and then meditate. Ask God to reveal the meaning of His word for you.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:1
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