So you’re late for work and can’t find your keys. You look high and low but no keys are found. Initially frustration sets in. But as time goes by frustration leads to anger. Where did I put those keys?
Many people in our country are trying to figure out what has happened to our society. Why are people so angry? A car cuts off another in heavy traffic. The driver that was cut off is now raging mad. When traffic stops both individuals exit their vehicles and a fight ensues. No damage was done to either vehicle but the anger and rage leads the two to a physical confrontation.
A 19 year old who was expelled from school is outraged. He ponders his situation and grows more and more angry. His anger goes to the point of wanting to kill others. “I’m suffering so I want others to suffer.”
What has happened? Why are people so angry, self centered and ready for a fight? It has been a long journey for me but I have learned what I believe is the answer to this question.
First, I believe that, like the keys, people are lost and are searching. They are searching for:
Love, true love that is undeniable.
Hope, in a world that seems upside down.
Encouragement, when there seems to be no answers.
Light, in a very dark world.
Direction, in a confused world.
Forgiveness, of wrongdoing.
Second, I believe that many people are searching for these things in the wrong places. They turn to drugs, gangs, money and other worldly items. When these do not produce the results they anticipated, they first become frustrated and then angry. They become much like a stick of dynamite ready to explode. All they need is a small spark to set them off into a raging tirade.
In my journey in life I have found that the world does not offer much in the way of my spiritual needs. Jesus Christ is the only person who can fill all of the above needs and more. When we place our trust in Him and develop a true relationship, He walks with us through life. He guides us, gives wisdom through God’s word and loves us like no other can.
When bad things happen in our world people want to place blame. They come up with many ideas as to what or who causes the negativity in society. They tend to ignore the fact that the world in general has turned it’s back on God. It is not popular to follow Jesus. It may even be seen as a weakness.
The fact is the believer will never be closer to hell than they are here on earth. But the non-believer will never be closer to heaven than they are here on earth.
We live in tough times and there appears to be no end in sight of the terrible atrocities we see on the news. My belief is we are all broken people. The only true way to heal us is through Jesus. You may disagree. If so, what do you think will fix the world?
Oh by the way. Those keys? They were in your pocket all the time.
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
enjoyed the reading… i agree 100%
keep on keepin’ on,
you never know what little bit of encouragement
may just do to “make” someone’s day.